CIX VFR Club Banner

2-4-CIX Aircraft

Downloads for Display Pilots & Spectators


Members wishing to fly with 2-4-CIX, or watch the displays which they put on for members two or three times a year, MUST download and install some or all of these aircraft, depending on the display details published on the Forum. The installation instructions can be found on the Pilot Instructions and Spectator Instructions pages. These instructions must be followed EXACTLY, otherwise members will not see the display as intended. This would be unfortunate to put it mildly, after the months of practice the pilots put in.

Display Teams

The 2-4-CIX display teams are: The Tigers, The Chips, The Javlins, and The CATS. The Friesenflieger team which often joins us in our displays is also included in the Display Teams category. The WWI and WWII aircraft included under Solo Performers also display as teams.


In addition to the unique "Spectator and Chair" for use by spectators, there are two categories of aircraft listed on this page. The Display Teams and the Solo Performers.

The Display Teams list comprises the aircraft flown by the several 2-4-CIX Aerobatic and Formation Flying teams. They are all freeware and will display correctly in FS9 or FSX.

The Solo Performers list comprises all those aircraft which members have from time to time flown in our displays. Some are regulars, some not. The virtual Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, although a formation flight, is listed under the Solo Performers category, as the aircraft flown under the vBBMF "banner" vary from show to show.

Several of these aircraft are flagged as "Non-flyable". These aircraft have had elements removed to reduce the file sizes, which makes them unflyable by a human being, but Flight Simulator still regards them as flyable. Members wishing to download a version of these aircraft which can be flown by a human being, should contact the 2-4-CIX Team Leader for the necessary files.

The Spectator and Chair

Spectator Chair image

This unique character was created for the Club some years ago by Kevin Bryan of Unreal Aviation, especially for use at our early air displays. It was not allowed under VATSIM rules, but in Multiplayer mode our spectators can use it freely. He normally sits 100ft or so up in the air to get the best view of the show! If you load "him" as your aircraft in FS you too will get the best possible view of the show!

Download The Spectator and Chair (6MB) [Non-Flyable] - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

The TIGERS (de Havilland DH82 Tiger Moth)

The 2-4--Cix Tigers

These are the 2-4-CIX Tiger Team liveries for the freeware Anthony Lynch Tiger Moth for FSX only. 2-4-CIX display livery is by Peter Dodds. The download files contain all aircraft in the team. These files may be updated from time to time as the membership of the team changes. The current version reference of the download is shown following the download link above.

The main change in this version is that all three smoke colours installed in these aircraft are now in a single file with accompanying modifications to the aircraft.cfg file. See and be seen in spectacular red white and blue. To see the coloured smoke, the file fx_Smoke_TIGER.fx, in the CIX-TIGER\effects folder, must be copied into the main FSX effects folder.

News for 2020

Our Member Johan van Wyck is developing an X-Plane version of the Tiger-Moth, and has now published it - version 1.0.1. He has graciously given us permission to also publish a 2-4-CIX liveried version on our website. The liveries included in this download have been developed by the current display team from, and are being kept aligned with, the FSX version.

WIKI link: de Havilland Tiger Moth

Download The 2-4-CIX TIGERS for FSX (58.5MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Download The 2-4-CIX TIGERS for X-Plane (58.2MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

The CHIPS (de Havilland DHC1 Chipmunk)

2-4-CIX Chipmunk

This package of the Chipmunks of the 2-4-CIX CHIPS Display team have been created using the freeware FS9/FSX aircraft by Rick Piper, (version 2, which is no longer available for download other than here.) 2-4-CIX display livery is by Peter Dodds.

The download files contain all aircraft in the team. These files may be updated from time to time as the membership of the team changes. The current version reference of the download is shown following the download link above.

David Buderim's Smoke system is installed in these aircraft. To see the coloured smoke copy the three files in the CIX-CHIP\effects folder to the main fsx effects folder. The aircraft also have the aerobatic altimeter fitted with a tens of feet needle and Kohlsman scale in hectopascals.

WIKI link: de Havilland Chipmunk

Download The 2-4-CIX CHIPS (85MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

The CATs (FSX Extra 300)

2-4-CIX Extra

2-4-CIX introduced a new aerobatics team in 2014, featuring the Flugzeugproduktions - und Vertriebs GMBh Extra 300, designed by the aerobatic pilot Walter Extra. The CIX Aerobatics Team (CAT) fly the FSX default version of this aircraft, for which. Max Symons has created a 2-4-CIX livery (illustrated). There are nine aircraft in the team, CAT-1 to CAT-9. For ease of installation the complete aircraft is included in the download. This aircraft should be installed in addition to the Extra 300 provided in the FSX default aircraft package. Do not modify the default Extra with the CIX livery.

The download files contain all aircraft in the team. These files may be updated from time to time as the membership of the team changes. The current version reference of the download is shown following the download link above.

David Buderim's Smoke system is installed in these aircraft. To see the coloured smoke copy the three files in the CIX-CAT\effects folder to the main fsx effects folder.

Wiki Link: Extra EA300

Download The 2-4-CIX EXTRA (15.4MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

The JAVLINS (BAe Hawk T1)

2-4-CIX JAVLINS (Hawks)

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-HAWK

The Club's JAVLIN Display Team fly the BAe Hawk T1 to an extremely high standard of extended aerobatics. The aircraft they fly is a payware one, but David Buderim has created this 2-4-CIX version of the freeware Hawk from Simvation, modelled by David Brice & David Friswell with RAF textures and effects by Mark Rooks.

The Javelin Team's Hawks are equipped with red smoke only.

Wiki Link: BAe Hawk

Download The 2-4-CIX HAWK (20.1MB) [Non-Flyable] - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

FriesenFlieger Display Aircraft

FriesenFlieger Aircraft image

Our German friends, the FriesenFlieger are a similar VFR-oriented flightsim Club base at Wangerooge in the Friesian Islands off the northwest coast of Germany. FriesenFlieger members often fly in the 2-4-CIX displays, and we also join in theirs. They fly a freeware Stampe. The download here allows us to see the Stampe in the correct livery, when the FriesenFlieger perform their displays, or if we have a joint aerobatic exercise.

Wiki link: Stampe SV4.

Download The Friesenfliege Stampe SV4 (0.9MB) [Non-Flyable] - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Solo Performers

Unlike the 2-4-CIX teams above, where the aircraft to be flown are those listed, the aircraft flown by the solo performers in 2-4-CIX displays may be sourced from a number of places, according to pilot preference. It is VITALLY IMPORTANT therefore, that everyone taking part in a display follows the Aircraft Selection Instructions precisely.

Supermarine Spitfire

Supermarine Spitfire image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-SPIT

Leading our Solo Performance group is perhaps the icon of all the military aircraft of all time. There are many variations of this aircraft available, freeware and payware, and 2-4-CIX Spitfire pilots are free to choose their favourite, be it payware or freeware. 2-4-CIX Spitfire pilots often escort the Avro Lancaster, and continue with a display routine of their own.

Model by Aeroplane Heaven. Flight files by Jerry Beckwith. Texture by John Glanville.

Wiki link: Supermarine Spitfire.

Download The 2-4-CIX SPIT (23.4MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Hawker Hurricane

Hawker Hurricane image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-HURI

Some say that the highly manouevrable Hawker Hurricane was the better aircraft, whose claim to be the best British WWII fighter was stolen by the more glamorous Spitfire. Club members have their favourite, so we are able to offer both these classics as participants in 2-4-CIX displays. There are many variations of this aircraft available, freeware and payware, and 2-4-CIX Hurricane pilots are free to choose their favourite, be it payware or freeware. Like the Spitfire, 2-4-CIX Hurricane pilots often escort the Avro Lancaster, and continue with a display routine of their own.

Model by Aeroplane Heaven. Flight files by Jerry Beckwith. Texture by Stephen Browning.

Wiki link: Hawker Hurricane.

Download The 2-4-CIX HURI (20.5MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Avro Lancaster

Avro Lancaster image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-LANC

Completing our virtual Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is the Avro Type 683 B.1 Lancaster, S for Sugar. Her real counterpart is now preserved at the Imperial War Museum Duxford. This aircraft features in most of the 2-4-CIX displays, flown by "the boss" of CIX VFR Club, escorted by the Spitfire and Hurricane (and sometimes a Messerschmitt Bf109!). In order that everyone taking part in a display sees a Lancaster, especially any fighter escort (!), the Aircraft Selection Instructions must be strictly followed.

Model by Plane-Design. The original aircraft, together with 7 other variants, is payware, but this variant only is available freeware by permission of Ed Walters, Plane-Design.

Wiki link: Avro Lancaster.

Download CIX-LANC (4.0Mb) [Non-Flyable]

Download The 2-4-CIX LANC (3.9MB) [Non-Flyable] - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Boeing B-17

B17 image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-B17

The Boeing B-17, dubbed the Flying Fortress, was in spite of it's inauspicious beginnings (the prototype crashed) a strategic USAAF weapon in World War II. The only surviving airworthy B-17 in Europe is the "Sally B", preserved alongside Avro Lancaster S for Sugar at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford. Several Club members have flown a B-17 in 2-4-CIX displays.

Aircraft by A.F. Scrub; Model by Gary Herbert; Textures by John Terrell.

Wiki link: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress.

Download The 2-4-CIX B17 (0.2MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Douglas DC3

DC3 image

The default FSX DC3 is occasionally flown in 2-4-CIX displays. The most memorable Club flight of this aircraft was in September 2008, when members flew three of them to Berlin Templehof in a re-enactment of the 1948 Berlin Airlift. The re-enactment marked closure of the real world Templehof Airport on 30th October 2008, and celebrated its long strategic role during the Cold War.

Wiki link: Douglas DC-3

No download is required for this aircraft, as it is included in the default aircraft supplied with FSX. The [fltsim.4] (Paint 4) variant is the C-47 USAAF version in camouflage (illustrated) which is the variant flown with 2-4-CIX.

Messerschmitt BF-109

Messerschmitt BF-109 image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-ME09

Our FriesenFlieger friends have occasionally surprised us by arriving at a 2-4-CIX display in a Messerschmitt Bf109 (or two). Far from being a threat to our Lancaster and its fighter escort, the FriesenFlieger pilots jockey for position in the skies to avoid the Spitfire's and Hurricane's imaginary gunsights amid much banter and laughter on TeamSpeak; reason enough, perhaps, to join the military display section of 2-4-CIX.

Model by A.F. Scrub. Textures by J.V.Morton

Wiki link: Messerschmitt Bf109.

Download The 2-4-CIX ME109 (3.4MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

de Havilland Mosquito

De Havilland Mosquito image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-MOSQ

This aircraft hasn't featured in 2-4-CIX displays for some years, so a pilot wishing to find a slot in the Solo Performance section, might well consider the Mossie. After the only UK flying aircraft G-ASKH very sadly crashed in 1996 at Barton Aerodrome, only we flight simmers can recreate the awesome rumble of those twin Merlins. There's a seat waiting...

Model and textures by J R Lucariny.

Wiki link: De Havilland Mosquito.

Download The 2-4-CIX MOSQ (5.1MB) [Non-Flyable] - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Airspeed Oxford

Airspeed Oxford image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-OXFD

The Airspeed Oxford was a personnel transport and training aircraft in service with the RAF between 1938 and 1954. The Oxford featured in the 2-4-CIX display fleet for the second and third Sywell Air shows in 2007 and 2008, but has since been retired, if only temporarily. Please note that this model is of a satisfactory quality for viewing but not for flying.

Model and Textures by Keith Hackett

Wiki link: Airspeed Oxford.

Download The 2-4-CIX OXFD (2MB) [Non-Flyable] - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

North American P-51 Mustang

North American P-51 Mustang image

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-P51

For those pilots who would prefer something a little more lively, a little more modern even, the Mustang offers an alternative to the Spitfire or the Hurricane. There are a number of Mustangs still flying in the USA, which mostly take part in the world famous Reno Air Races. Members can fly the Mustang as a fighter escort to the Lancaster or B-17 bombers, or fly an aerobatic routine. The aircraft handles either with ease.

Aircraft by A.F. Scrub; external textures by Gil Shaw and J.V.Morton.

Wiki link: North American P-51 Mustang.

Download The 2-4-CIX P51 (9.9MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Albatros D.III


Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-ALBATROS

The Albatros DIII is one of the classic fighters of WWI, despite being plagued by wing failures under extreme flying conditions. Manufactured initially by Albatros-Flugzeugwerke, production was moved in Spring 1917 to the OAW subsidiary, to allow Albatros to concentrate on DV production. The most noticeable difference between the aircraft was the shape of the rudder, which was larger on OAW manufactured aircarft, as depicted in this model. Powered by a 6 cylinder 160hp Mercedes water cooled engine.

To see the black smoke, copy the two smoke effects files, 'fx_blacksmoke.fx' and 'fx_smoke_f6.fx', to your main fsx /effects folder.

Wiki link: Albatros D.III.

Download The Albatros D.III (3.5MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Sopwith Camel

Sopwith Camel

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-CAML

In July 1917, the Sopwith Camel entered the fray of World War I aerial combat. Developed by the British as a replacement for the Sopwith Pup, the Camel was an extremely agile and maneuverable airplane. With its two Vickers machine guns, it outgunned the Pup and provided a measure of insurance against losing a fight due to a jammed gun. Some pilots however reportedly preferred the Pup! The humped fairing that covered the machine guns gave the Camel its name. In less than two years' service, the Camel finished the war with 1,294 victories on its tally sheet.

To see the black smoke, copy the two smoke effects files, 'fx_blacksmoke.fx' and 'fx_smoke_f6.fx', to your main fsx /effects folder.

Wiki link: The Sopwith Camel.

Download The Sopwith Camel (43.6MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Short SE5A

Short SE5A

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-SE5A

The SE5 was one of the best Allied fighters of WW1.It was fast, rugged and well armed. In squadron service from 1917.

To see the black smoke, copy the two smoke effects files, 'fx_blacksmoke.fx' and 'fx_smoke_f6.fx', to your main fsx /effects folder.

Wiki link: The Short SE5A.

Download The Short SE5A (6.2MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Société Pour L'Aviation et ses Dérivés (SPAD) -SPAD VII


Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-SPAD

The SPAD VII was one of the best known French fighter aircraft of WWI. The version in the 2-4-CIX hanger is painted in the colours of Cpl. Jacques Roques, a Swiss citizen who joined the Aviation Francais via the Foreign Legion. In addition to the standard SPA 48 cockerel head and number, he decorated his aircraft with a 'jolie demoiselle' devised by his friend and artist Georges Lepape. Roques scored two of his five victories in SPAD VIIs.

To see the black smoke, copy the three smoke effects files, 'fx_blacksmoke.fx', 'fx_mzlflsh_s.fx' and 'fx_smoke_f6.fx', to your main fsx /effects folder.

Wiki link: The SPAD VII.

Download The SPAD VII (5MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Fokker Dr.I

Fokker Dr.I

Aircraft.cfg title = CIX-DRI

The Dr.I saw widespread service in the spring of 1918. The aircraft modelled here is in the colours of that being flown by Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, when he received a fatal wound just after 11:00 am on 21 April 1918, while flying over Morlancourt Ridge, near the Somme River.

To see the black smoke, copy the two smoke effects files, 'fx_blacksmoke.fx' and 'fx_smoke_f6.fx', to your main fsx /effects folder.

This version is "unflyable".

Wiki link: The Fokker Dr.I.

Download The Fokker -Dr.I (6.6MB) - Last change: December 28 2024 11:49:48.

Technical Information (For those who want to know more)

Why do spectators and other pilots in 2-4-CIX displays need these particular models? Look at this abbreviated extract from a typical aircraft.cfg file.

title=Avro Type 683 Lancaster PA474

title=Avro Type 683 Lancaster R5868

title=Avro Type 683 Lancaster T441

Note that the title= lines are all different. The texture= lines will also be different, and possibly the model= and other lines too. FSX treats them as three separate aircraft - although because they are all variants of the same aircraft type, it combines all the variants into one folder for compactness. Once you realise that they are all in fact separate aircraft, understanding the process of aircraft display is easier.

Multiplayer sends the "title=..." line from the aircraft variant the pilot is flying to all people in the multiplayer session. The FSX running on each individual's PC looks for an exact match of that title within its system. If FSX finds a match, then that is the aircraft which will be displayed. The 2-4-CIX aircraft have had their titles matched accurately, So if you have installed these approved models and the display pilots have followed instructions you will see the correct aircraft. If your multiplayer can't find an exact match then it makes an educated guess based on the "ui_typerole=...." variable in the aircraft.cfg file, NOT the "title =" variable. You'd probably see a Spitfire as a Cessna, because they both have one piston engine. If the ui_typerole = " variable is missing from the aircraft.cfg file, FS makes another guess, and again, most often, this will be a Cessna 172!

That is why, if you have two aircraft of the same type, one from this list and another which you will be flying, then multiplayer may not display the correct one. Even if you have the same aircraft from the same designer using the same texture, it would almost certainly not display correctly, because it wouldn't have the appropriate "title= ". That is why "Option 1" of the Aircraft Selection Instructions requires that you do NOT install the 2-4-CIX model of the aircraft you wish to fly in a display - only all the others.

So everyone has to be careful that they only have ONE aircraft with each "title = " label in their Simobjects/Airplanes folder. FSX gives an error message when two variants, from any aircraft, have the same "title = ". e.g. if you downloaded the CIX-LANC from here after modifying yours to have "title = CIX-LANC ", and you keep both aircraft in your Aircraft folder, you would get an "Aircraft Initialisation Failure" error message.

Engine fire effects, which sometimes appear, apparently at random, have been removed from these approved models. Smoke effects have been modified and should behave correctly.