CIX VFR Club Banner


The Basics of Club Membership

How to Join the Club

Simply click this link which will take you to the Club's forum sign in page.  Click the "Register" option from the main menu at the top left of the page.  After registering an account on the Forum, you will be contacted by the Membership Secretary by email.   On receiving your reply, he will register you as a Member, and explain how to access the club's TeamSpeak server. Help completing the form.

What is VFR?

VFR is flying by reference to ground features, under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) rather than autopilot and radio navigation. Is it more fun? Is it more of a challenge than globe trotting in big jets? Find out here.

Rules of Membership

The club tries to be as informal as possible outside the flying environment (which of course necessitates stricter discipline). The four main membership rules are set out below.  However, please read the full Club rules.

  1. Members must subscribe to and read the Club's forum.
  2. Members must comply with the full Club rules, and the rules of VATSIM or IVAO and the Internet.
  3. Full Members must take part in at least one club event every 3 calendar months, This rule will be administered with flexibility, as there may be reasons known to the club why this is not possible in some cases.

  4. Lapsed members may of course re-apply to join the club.

Associate Club Membership

New members are joined as Associate Members. Associate members are promoted to Full Membership after making a qualifying Club Flight as defined in the Club rules.  Associate Membership is also given to anyone who does not take part in at least one Club activity in a three-month period.

Full Club Membership

Associate members will be promoted to full membership as soon as they have recorded a club flight. Full members are included in the List of Full Members together with some details of their club activity.

Code of Conduct

The club tries to be as professional as possible within the Online Flightsim community, while being as informal as possible outside the flying environment.  The Club has produced a Code of Conduct for its members which not only sets out how members should conduct their fights Online, but explains the reasons why a Code of Conduct helps them to have as much fun as possible in their online flying. Please read this document, and be ready to deal with any Online situation in a professional way, as you might in the real aviation world.

Why is CIX in the Name?

CIX (pronounced "kicks", by the way) was originally a subscription based UK based conferencing system based on the same lines as the American Compuserve. Launched in 1987, it long pre-dates the Internet, Broadband and the phenomenon that is the World Wide Web  By means of its own special "offline reader" software, members were able to discuss anything and everything in "conferences" downloaded to their computers via dial-up modems. Conferencing systems evolved into the Forums with their "topics" that we use today. The founding members of the club were all members of CIX, in the "Flight Simulator" conference, which is where the club started in 2004. For many years CIX continued to be a great source of information and friendship to its members. In 2011 it was sold to ICUK and expanded into more broad telecoms services. If you wish to know more have a look at the Wikipedia entry for CIX.