CIX VFR Club Banner


External Information

Grow your Flight Simming Experience

There are a huge number of websites devoted to Flight and Flight Simulator. This page contains links to sources of information and add-ons which will be of interest to Club members. The CIX VFR Club is not responsible for the content of these websites. Members' suggestions for useful and interesting links will be gladly received. Email suggestions to the Webmaster by clicking the following icon. @

VATSIM Resources

VATSIM International

The main VATSIM web site. Worldwide event news, new developments, resources, statistics, forums and much more.


Keep up to date with what's happening on our patch of the planet


Keep in touch with VATSIM life in the UK, outside the Club environs. CIX VFR Club members are welcome to air their views too of course, in their role as an individual or Club member, but please do not make statements on behalf of the Club without checking first with a member of the Management Team.

VATSIM Pilot Learning Centre

Training and help documentation on anything to do with flying with Flight Simulator and VATSIM.

VATSIM Statistics

VATSIM's own connection records, with various ways of looking at them. You login with your VATSIM id and password.


VAT-Spy is a free download that allows you to view current ATC and traffic levels on VATSIM. It is modeled after ServInfo, the original traffic and ATC viewer for multiple online flying networks. ServInfo is a fantastic program that left little room for improvement, but VAT-Spy's is smoother when panning and zooming around the map.


VATTASTIC was launched in 2010 and is another ATC and traffic application for VATSIM, but it is a web application, so no download is needed.

VATSIM Indicators

Create your own VATSIM online/offline signature for use in forums or on a website. You will need to sign in with your VATSIM ID and password to access the service.

Commercial FS Resources


Orbx provide some excellent scenery and add ons.

PC Aviator

On-line Flight Simulator shop - this site is a great source of hardware, books, videos and software etc. This collection is all commercial payware. Orders to the UK are shipped from the USA

RC Simulations The UK Flight Sim Shop

The UKs own Flight Simulator shop is based in Bristol, but also on line. Theirs is another of those apochryphal businesses started in the proprietor's garage! Everything and anything you need for Flight Sim can be had from them. If you are also into Train Simulator, this is your site! Bob Sidwick can usually be seen demonstrating some of their stock, flying his helicopter on X-plane with Triple Head to Go (TH2G) at FS Shows around the UK.


On-line Flight Simulator shop - this site conatins a mixture of free and commercial products; hardware, books, videos and software etc.

UK 2000 Scenery for FSX

UK2000 Scenery brings UK airfields and airports to a new level of excellence. Gary Summons has agreed a discount on purchases by CIX VFR Club members - for details see the announcement in the forum.

General Flight Simulator Information

History of Microsoft Flight Simulator

A Wikipedia article about the origins of Microsoft's famous simulator.

The History of VATSIM

A superb write-up on the history of online flying.

The History of ATP

Although the title suggests that this article is about ATP (Air Transport Pilot) it is also a nice resumé of the history of the worlds most sold software application, plus a lot about a less known but excellent sim of the 1990s - ATP.


PC Pilot

The UK's own Flight Simulator magazine.

Real World Aviation Material

CAA General Aviation

The Civil Aviation Authority's home for general aviation.

CAA The Skyway Code

The Skyway Code is designed to provide private pilots with easy, quick access to the key information they need


The UK Aeronautical Information Service is the official distribution platform for UK aeronautical information.


Part of NATS AIS (as above), the UK Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) is static information, updated every 28 days, which contains information of lasting (permanent) character essential to air navigation.


This is a wiki-type repository of checklists for many many different aircraft and aircraft systems. Because a lot of Flight-sim aircraft come with less than perfect checklists and performance data, this real world aviation site is extremely useful to us too.


Useful real world weather site to see what sort of conditions VATSIM is likely to present to for your on-line flights. Place your mouse over your nearest airport or destination on the displayed map of the British Isles and you can get a current weather report as well as wind history and predicted winds etc. You can also see an animated 24 hour weather forecast.

Aviation Weather Briefing

Various aviation weather situation and forecast details published by the UK Meteorological Office. The Forms 214 and 215 are the first documents pilots look at when deciding whether to fly. This service is free but requires registration to use.
Form 214 - UK Spot wind chart providing wind speed and direction and temperature for standard levels up to FL240, updated four times a day.
Form 215 - UK low-level weather chart providing a graphical display of areas of different weather plus text relating to surface visibility, weather and cloud up to FL100, updated four times a day.
Forms 414 and 415 provide similar information for Europe.

Weather Education

A really impressive guide to the weather and how it applies in the UK, how to read the charts, what's on them and why, how to spot trends etc. It is in the form of free education material aimed at three different levels: kids, teens, and teachers.

General Aviation Safety Council

Real world aviation organisation dedicated to flight safety. Their bulletins are always a good, and sometimes sobering read.

Mixed Commercial/Free Resources


On-line Flight Simulator download site and shop - this site contains a mixture of free and commercial products; hardware, books, videos and software etc. Almost every aircraft, utility or scenery package you could ever want for FS is very likely to be here. See also There are many other repositories, but we have found this to be the best. Downloads include freeware, shareware and commercial packages, aircraft, utilities, scenery, books, videos etc. Hosts a lively forum too.

Flight Simulator site with news, downloads and on-line shop - a mixture of free and commercial products. Downloads include freeware, shareware and commercial packages, aircraft, utilities, scenery, books, videos etc. Also has a lively forum.


Less well known, but excellent Flight Simulator download site and shop. Downloads include freeware, shareware and commercial packages, aircraft, utilities, scenery, books videos etc. Also has a forum which has a slight bias towards learning from real world aviation practice.


Site contains many interesting aircraft - with a bias towards military types.

UK Sceneries

A very well organised site comprising dozens of links to useful download sites. Airport scenery is listed in alphabetical order. Some scenery is free, some payware. The site also contains links to charts and other aviation material.