The CIX VFR Club Dicey Mission on New Zealand South Island
Dicey Mission on New Zealand South Island
Home > Monthly Events > Dicey Mission on New Zealand South Island
Briefing September 2024

A friend from New Zealand runs a small air taxi business and invites you over to help with a rush of orders over the summer.


On arrival you are given the pick of GA aircraft at his base and a patch covering 8 airfields in the southern half of South Island.

To complete this event, you will need to fly a variety of missions, landing at least once at each of the airfields.

Start Time and Place

Start Time and Place Any time in September 2024.

Flight Planning

Flight Planning First review the "Dicey Mission Picker" and find a dice. If you don't have a real one, an online one will do the trick. See charts and notes below for both. Charts and procedures for the airfields can be found in the New Zealand eAIP (see charts notes section below).

Start your first flight at Taieri (NZTI) on the east coast. Roll the dice once to pick your next location using the picker and a second time to select your mission.

Plan the flight taking careful note of weight and balance, density altitude and so on. Depending upon your choice of aircraft you may need to make multiple journeys. You could also choose to band together with other club members and fly the missions as a team. Provided you complete all flights in September you can split the flights across as many days as you want.

Once you have landed, start a new flight, roll again to pick the next location and mission and repeat the process until you have visited all 6 intermediary airfields and delivered all 6 payloads. If the fall of the dice becomes repetitive then feel free the "make your own luck"!

At your last location roll the dice to pick a final mission and fly to Milford Sound (NZMF) on the west coast.

What Aircraft can I fly

Any single engine GA aircraft. Choose wisely because you will not be able to change aircraft once you start the event. You could play it safe with a Cessna Caravan or something similar or you could make things more complicated with a smaller aircraft. This may involve making more flights to complete missions or working as part of a team to get the job done.

Weather or not?

Before starting, check the weather. In accordance with VATSIM rules the wind direction should be the same as real-world. This event is strictly VFR, so all other aspects of the weather should be adjusted to avoid the disappointment of being rained or fogged in.


Always ANC (Aviate, Navigate, Communicate).

Remember, there may be non CIX VFR traffic in the area as well as club members and that the event should be fun for everyone - pilots and controllers. If your enjoyment is impaired by "unsportsmanlike" ATC, let someone know so senior club members can pass on your concerns. Similarly, if you get something wrong, such as entering controlled airspace without authority, learn from the experience and follow instructions - even if requested to 'Disconnect'. If you do have problems, don't be afraid to ask. Club members are always happy to help, and ATC would much rather you asked than stumbled on causing mayhem.


ATC No ATC has been organised for the event but keep in mind there is an active VATSim community in Australia and New Zealand so there is a chance of local services being online. If there are follow their instructions, if not then announce your intentions clearly on UNICOM.

Radio Discipline

Radio Discipline Be aware that ATC may be trying to get in touch with one of us, so don't let TeamSpeak chat cut across the radio. Conversation should stop immediately if ATC transmit and only continue if "they aren't talking to us". If you realise a member has not heard ATC, let them know on TeamSpeak. Remember that if ATC tells you "Standby" It means "wait, don't call me, I will come back to you as soon as I can" - busy with a more urgent problem.

Club Star Award

Fly any time in September 2024. Half a star awarded for taking off and NZTI, half a star for landing at NZMF.

Charts and Notes

Dicey Mission Picker | NZ eAIP | Online Dice


Event Idea: Colin Parker | Event Planning: Colin Parker | Event Briefing: Colin Parker

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