The CIX VFR Club Oshkosh
Club Events - Oshkosh
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Briefing JULY 2024

Once again, members are invited to take part in the exciting flight into Wittman Regional Airport (KOSH), in the state of Wisconsin, USA, replicating and mimicking the real world OSHKOSH event which takes place this year from 22nd to 28th July. This time, though, we are adding the challenge of skirting around Green Bay Class C and Appleton Class D airspace.


A container ship transported our aircraft from Portsmouth through the St Lawerence to Sturgeon Bay on Lake Michigan. CIX VFR Club will form up at Door County Cherryland Airport (KSUE) on Monday the 22nd of July to navigate per the FAA NOTAM and fly the Fisk Arrival from RIPON transition into KOSH.

Start Time and Place

The main Club event will take place on Monday 22nd July starting from 18:00 hrs UTC (19:00 local time UK) from Door County Cherryland Airport (KSUE). Prior to that date, make your way to the departure however you wish. We will be using the VATSIM or IVAO network. However, if you choose IVAO, it may well be that you have no company.

Flight Planning

On event day, July 22, 2024, we will all rev up our engines and have a group flight to Oshkosh from Cherryland Airport. The attached flight plan accounts for the requirements to miss Milwaukee per the Notice page 3. We will utilize the FAA Notice VFR Fisk arrival and landing instructions pages 5 thru 8, so remember to read it.

On arrival there, we will park together on the grass on the west side of taxiway P opposite taxiway P4, which is the CIX VFR Group's designated parking spot. I am told that again this year, courtesy of our Ops Boss Dan, we will have Earl Grey, Moose Burgers, and Garibaldis flown in via Express Cargo UK Ltd to snack on.

If you want to use one of the other arrivals, like the Warbird, feel free; the different traffic would be interesting. Just be sure to follow the NOTAM. Please note that unlike the NOTAM runway landing designations with coloured dots, we will use normal terminology such as land long or land midfield or beyond.

What Aircraft can I fly

You may use any aircraft (including helicopters) classified as GA (within the EASA "light" category), see club rules for details.

Weather or not?

Before starting, check the weather. In accordance with VATSIM rules the wind direction should be the same as real-world. This event is strictly VFR, so all other aspects of the weather should be adjusted to avoid the disappointment of being rained or fogged in.


For the main event, we will being using the actual FAA NOTAM arrival instructions "Special Flight Procedures effective Noon CDT July 18 to 6 am CDT July 29, 2024." The attached flight plan accounts for these procedures. Your careful attention to the information on pages 2-11 is essential to make our flight safe, really really interesting and enjoyable. Please download the FAA NOTAM from this link EAA AirVenture Oshkosh FAA Notice of AirVenture Flight Procedures | EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. View the videos on that webpage to gain a further understanding.

Remember to ANC (Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.) This event should be fun for all, both pilots and controllers. Bear in mind that other (non CIX VFR CLUB) traffic may also use the same airspace/airfields but everyone has equal priority (VFR). Should your enjoyment become impaired due to "unsportsmanlike" ATC, let someone know so that senior club members can pass on your concerns. Similarly, If you get something wrong, such as entering controlled airspace without authority, learn from the experience and follow instructions - even if requested to 'Disconnect'. However, if you have a problem, ask ATC for help, a lot easier that flying on regardless causing "confusion and mayhem"! And don't forget your first call for help is other club members, that is how we all learnt to do it.


At the time of publishing this event plan, ATC has been requested but not confirmed. It could be that on TeamSpeak; we may have Fisk approach and/or Oshkosh tower. Check for late news on the Forum nearer the date

Radio Discipline

Be aware that ATC may be trying to get in touch with one of us, so don't let TeamSpeak chat cut across the radio. Conversation should stop immediately if ATC transmit and only continue if "they aren't talking to us". If you realise a member has not heard ATC, let them know on TeamSpeak.

Remember that if ATC tells you "Standby" It means "wait, don't call me, I will come back to you as soon as I can" - busy with a more urgent problem.

If we have ATC, the FAA NOTAM VFR arrival instructions include specific communications protocols for interfacing with ATC, be sure to be familiar and utilize those instructions.

Club Star Award

Fly into Oshkosh any time between 14th and 28th July.

Charts and Notes

Flight Plan | FSX Scenery | Microsoft 2020 Scenery | X-Plane 11 Scenery | FAA NOTAM


Event Idea: Ed Stirling.
Event planning: Ed Stirling.
Briefing: Ed Stirling

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