The CIX VFR Club Aero Expo
Aero Expo
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Briefing 18th June 2024

The annual AeroExpo event for the GA and LAA community is now hosted by Sywell Aerodrome (EGBK) in Northamptonshire.
Pilots from all over the country fly into Sywell and spend 3 days meeting up, attending seminars, and browsing the latest savagely expensive aircraft and aviation gadgetry.


This year CIX VFR will be running a CIX Expo on VATSIM, similar in many important flying respects to the real thing but considerably less expensive!
To give the sense of people flying in from all over the country, you are encouraged to fly in from any of the following airports:

  1. Gloucester (EGBJ)
  2. Blackbushe (EGLK)
  3. Earls Colne (EGSR)
  4. Old Warden (EGTH) - slightly closer for old or slow aircraft
These airfields have been chosen because they are far enough away from Sywell to make the flight interesting but close enough to allow members to fly in from more than one place if they wish. Old Warden is on the list to allow for a visit from slower older aircraft (e.g., Tiger Moths).

Start Time and Place

Group flight Tuesday 18th June 2024 19:00 BST (18:00 GMT).

Flight Planning

Read the abbreviated essential information provided with this briefing carefully.
At first glance it looks a bit like a very small version of Oshkosh, or Sun-n-fun in the USA, but it differs in one important respect. The radio service is AGRO only; therefore, separation and safety are strictly the responsibility of the pilot.
Joining arrangements are set out in the relevant NOTAM documents (linked); note that only the runways orientated 03/21 are in use. Please read these documents CAREFULLY because the joining arrangements for Sywell fly-ins are different to normal. Helicopters join only from Heli East, please carefully review the relevant NOTAM.
Sywell is laid out differently for fly-ins, this also be seen in the NOTAMs. Special "festival scenery" packs are available for FSX, X-Plane and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

What Aircraft can I fly

You may use any aircraft (including helicopters) classified as GA (within the EASA "light" category), see club rules for details. Arriving in unusual/rare aircraft is encouraged.

Weather or not?

Before starting, check the weather. In accordance with VATSIM rules the wind direction should be the same as real-world. This event is strictly VFR, so all other aspects of the weather should be adjusted to avoid the disappointment of being rained or fogged in.


Remember to ANC (Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.) This event should be fun for all, both pilots and controllers. Bear in mind that other (non CIX VFR CLUB) traffic may also use the same airspace/airfields but everyone has equal priority (VFR).

Should your enjoyment become impaired due to "unsportsmanlike" ATC, let someone know so that senior club members can pass on your concerns.

Similarly, If you get something wrong, such as entering controlled airspace without authority, learn from the experience and follow instructions - even if requested to 'Disconnect'.

However, if you have a problem, ask ATC for help, a lot easier than flying on regardless causing confusion and mayhem! And don't forget your first call for help is other club members, that is how we all learnt to do it.


You can expect AGRO at Sywell on 122.705 MHz.

Radio Discipline

Take care not to let our TeamSpeak Chat cut across ATC. Stop any conversation immediately the R/T comes alive, and then continue if "he wasn't talking to us". This is difficult because when talking on TeamSpeak you cannot hear the R/T. So be aware that ATC might be trying to contact a member. If anyone hears R/T which appears to be ignored and it is a club member being called, on TS, say "ATC is calling XXXX/one of us". Then everyone stop talking until ATC calls again and makes contact. Remember that if ATC tells you "stand bye" It means "Wait, don't call me, I will come back to you as soon as I can."

Club Star Award

Star for landing at Sywell between 17th and 23rd June 2024.

Charts and Notes

Fixed wing NOTAM
Rotary wing NOTAM
Pilot briefing video

Additional Scenery

Extra scenery has been created for the 3 main simulation platforms.
MS2020 - download. Please note you'll require the base Sywell scenery available on
XP11 and XP12 - download
FSX/P3D - download


Event Idea: Colin Parker | Event Planning: Colin Parker | Event Briefing: Colin Parker

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