The CIX VFR Club Mayham
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Briefing MAY 2024

Overview This year's MAYHEM is in the original format, centred on EGNJ Humberside.
There are four satellite airfields, EGNW Wickenby; EGCS Sturgate; EGCF Sandtoft; and EGNY Linley Hill. It is hoped that 100% ATC services will be available. In order to reduce navigation problems, Pilots are requested to follow the recommended routes. See Planning and Flying the Event, as well as the PlanG files.


Scenario All aircraft will start at EGNJ Humberside. Fly to the satellite airfields in the order as above (clockwise) or in reverse order (anticlockwise), with a T&G at the satellite airfield, returning to T&G at Humberside, before flying to the next satellite. After returning from your final satellite airfield, land at Humberside and your event has been completed.
Aircraft will fly clockwise or anticlockwise as advised by ATC, to provide a smooth traffic flow for all controllers. It may also add to the 'Mayhem!'
In order to provide a level playing field, A/C with a cruising speed of less than 150knts, must perform a touch-and-go at ALL airfields. Faster A/C must perform a land-go-around at the satellite A/Fs, i.e. land, taxi back to threshold and depart safely, keeping engine(s) running.
At an average cruising speed of 100knts, minimum flight time will be about 1hr 24mins.

Start Time and Place

Start Time and Place EGNJ, Light A/C Grass Parking,Tuesday 14th May, - 1900hrs A (BST) - 1800Z

Flight Planning

Flight Planning You will be assigned either clockwise (EGNW) or anticlockwise (EGNY), by Humberside Tower. Ensure you have planned for both options. Both PlanG flight plans are available.
As we will use VATSIM weather, if able, plan your approaches / departures for each runway. When flying OWN NAVIGATION, you are advised to fly the published routes for the event. See the forum.
EGNJ Approach will provide a traffic service, if possible and requested. It is recommended that you do so.
CAUTION: There will be IFR traffic. Be aware of what is happening; anticipate what ATC could instruct you to do.
At the satellite airfields, plan your approaches. If performing a land-go-around, plan your taxi routes. Make sure you transmit your intentions, so that it is clear to everyone. Do not Jump the queue. Please use the data sheets. Further notes on planning and flying the event are on the forum.

What Aircraft can I fly

What Aircraft can I fly You may use any aircraft (including helicopters) classified as GA (within the EASA "light" category), see club rules for details. But, before you make your decision, remember that you will have to stay behind aircraft ahead of you within 2-3nm of each airfield. My test flights estimated only about 20minutes gain in total flight time, and an aching arm!

Weather or not?

Weather or Not Before starting, check the weather. We will be using VATSIM weather, unless extremely 'Non-VFR' - TBC


Remember to ANC (Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.) This event should be fun for all, both pilots and controllers. Bear in mind that other (non CIX VFR CLUB) traffic may also use the same airspace/airfields but everyone has equal priority (VFR).

Should your enjoyment become impaired due to "unsportsmanlike" ATC, let someone know so that senior club members can pass on your concerns.

Similarly, If you get something wrong, such as entering controlled airspace without authority, learn from the experience and follow instructions - even if requested to 'Disconnect'.

However, if you have a problem, ask ATC for help, a lot easier than flying on regardless causing confusion and mayhem! And don't forget your first call for help is other club members, that is how we all learnt to do it.


ATC It is hoped to provide a full, club, ATC service. A short document advising what to expect will be on the forum, in events. :- ECNJ_APP; EGNJ_TWR; EGNY_R; EGCF_R; EGCS_R; EGNW_R.

Radio Discipline

Take care not to let our TeamSpeak Chat cut across ATC. Stop any conversation immediately the R/T comes alive, and then continue if "he wasn't talking to us". This is difficult because when talking on TeamSpeak you cannot hear the R/T. So be aware that ATC might be trying to contact a member. If anyone hears R/T which appears to be ignored and it is a club member being called, on TS, say "ATC is calling XXXX/one of us". Then everyone stop talking until ATC calls again and makes contact. Remember that if ATC tells you "stand bye" It means "Wait, don't call me, I will come back to you as soon as I can."
LISTEN out for non-club traffic. However, it is likely you will not have much time for general chat.

Club Star Award

Club Star Award The Club Star award requires you to depart and finish at EGNJ, task completion confirmed by ATC checklist.

Charts and Notes

Charts and Notes Route Chart; PlanG; and other useful notes and hints, in the EVENT section on the Forum.


Event Idea: Melvyn Kirk | Event Planning: N.M, J.s and M.P | Event Briefing: N. Munro

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