CIX VFR Club Banner

Flight Simulation in Light Aircraft

Welcome to CIX VFR CLUB!

The CIX VFR Club is a group of Flight Simulation enthusiasts, who enjoy flying extremely realistic simulated light aircraft around the United Kingdom and across the world, over a computer generated landscape made up of real photographs and within an Internet community environment. We currently have around 800 members, of whom 80 are currently active, in at least eleven countries, which reflects the world-wide appeal of aviation simulation. Our TeamSpeak forum now resides within the Digital Theme Park Community.

Latest News

The CIX VFR Club 2025 Survey is open. Please participate. Currently less than 50% of active members have submitted. Your contribution will help to keep our activities popular. If you have not contributed yet, PLEASE DO SO.

VATSIM's Code of Conduct was updated in October 2024. They require we read and inwardly digest.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 has officially launched, bringing significant updates. The new release focuses on enhanced realism, including improved weather dynamics, more detailed terrain, and additional tools for exploring the world visually. It's fair to say it's had some teething issues, so we look forward to seeing those ironed out! If you've had a chance to try it, we'd love to hear your thoughts!

If you are flying in the USA/Canada, make sure you are aware of VATUSA's trialing of real world Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF). See VATSIM's official announcement and there's a link to a video in The Friday Rotary club thread on the forum.

The Members Online map that shows club members currently flying/controlling (linked further down the homepage), has been updated and fixed. If you find any issues with it, please report details in the forum.


Club Nights

The Club runs informal group flights on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, alternate Thursdays and Fridays at present. These are mostly tours of interesting places with spectacular scenery, with the occasional tricky landing thrown in. Whilst flying, members enjoy informal chat and banter on our Teamspeak channel, which makes these events very sociable. New members are always very welcome on these tours and beginners are given all the help they need to get going. The current tours are listed on the simple calendar on the right.

On Wednesdays, as well as the evening tour, we operate lunchtime "on demand" workshop flights for new members and new pilots when there is a request for them, to ease them into the world of on-line flying with other pilots and Air traffic Control (ATC). It's the ATC that often gets new pilots all nervous, just the same as in the real world and these sessions are designed to help overcome nerves. Similar help is also available on our other weekly flight nights, but the workshop flights concentrate specifically on getting new pilots airborne and comfortable in the on-line world.

February's Event

The February Star event was, if you tried to abide by the rule, a very large challenge. Flying the first leg it was fairly easy to remain below A1000ft. The second leg however needed the pilots to avoid a large escarpment, higher than 1000ft until close to the coastal plain. I finished up going some 8-10nm south of a direct track to achieve it. Also the Lysanda took a bit of getting used to. Thanks Dan, a real challenge, again.


March's Event

The March Star event is the annual visit to the Cheltenham festival.

Last year it was modified to enable both Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing participation. In both cases you can either fly in from a distance (and return) or carry out ferry operations. Please read the brief. Use of the data sheet is essential. Pilots can expect a full ATC service.

Activities Updates

Hover the mouse over the day to see the details.

Mondays: The group is still in Namibia, having travelled NE to the extremity of Namibia, they are now following Namibias' northern boundary, westward.

Tuesdays: The group had a tour of the Shetlands and Orkneys then south again down the west coast.

Wednesdays: The group entered Ecuador by climbing into the mountains, visiting airfields above A9000ft, heading south

Thursdays:Having practised base and downwind joins, the group did base and dead-side joins, alternately with and without ATC. Come and join us.

Fridays: The team continued to participate in Rescue scenarios in Germany. With some great screen shots, thanks Norm.

Saturdays:Nothing scheduled.

Sundays:Nothing scheduled


We normally offer two flight training courses: - a basic "get you flying" course and a comprehensive General Flying Course, which is modelled closely on the real world Private Pilots Licence course. However, one-to-one training availability is currently limited, so we are running "new pilot help flights" on Wednesday lunchtime These flights are relaxed, fun and informative. Join in on TeamSpeak. Other informal training on specific topics can also be arranged. Just post a request on the forum.

We can also run Radio Telephony courses, again modelled on real world practice.

Click on the Training menu tab on the Menu Bar for full details. We are looking for Assistant Flying Instructors

Scenes from Our Flights

Some of the spectacular views available when flying light aircraft, whether real world, or in a simulation. They reinforce our enthusiasm for this hobby.

February 2025

Overhead Lessay: Buzzing the tower

Airfield Updates

Neville Munro's Airfield datasheets:

Members Online

Whos Flying

Click on the icon above to see which of our club members are online now

All About the Club

If you would like to know more about what we do, please browse this site at your leisure. A summary of what we do and why can be found on this page.